Danielle Langton: Being Raised By A Single Mom + Reframing Your Mindset Around Time and Money
In this episode, we talk about:
How Danielle’s childhood growing up with a single mother shaped her mindset around scarcity.
What work-life balance looks like in different seasons.
Why it’s important to have open conversations with your partner about your business (especially about your needs through different seasons.)
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Show Notes:
Being raised by a single mom, Danielle shares how that shaped her mindset as a kid around time and money. Having to reframe scarcity mindset, Danielle built a successful business, and is now in a season of redefining financial goals, success and balance. Through different seasons of motherhood you will have different goals. Beware of using revenue as a badge of honor and think about what you need and the needs of your business in this current season.
03:30 How growing up with a single mom that worked multiple jobs shaped Danielle’s mindset around time and money.
07:00 How did having your baby impact how you thought about work-life balance?
10:30 Navigating challenges in business while taking care of your own wellbeing.
13:45 What are key steps people should take to take care of themselves and their businesses?
17:00 What is your relationship to scarcity and the multiple ways it impacts your life?
24:00 How to alleviate burnout and get back into alignment.
28:15 Don’t be a martyr mother.
32:15 When did everyone start using revenue as a badge of honor?
36:00 Being an ambitious mother and resetting how you measure self worth.
43:00 How have you communicated needs and redefined your role in your relationship during different seasons?
46:15 Advice for having open communication about your business with your partner.