Amber Lilyestrom (Part 2): How Honesty Harmonizes Ambition and Devotion

Has becoming a mother ever made your role at work feel irrelevant? Have you ever sat at your desk, and asked yourself, WHY? What is the point of this?

In the millennial generation, I think there’s this huge existential question about motherhood. As kids, ambition was baked into us – with nothing about how our ambitions are aligned with our identities and values.

This episode features Part 2 of my conversation with Amber Lilyestrom – a business mentor, branding expert, author, speaker, and mom to two miracle babies. She is also my personal mentor and full of wisdom and honesty about her big and bittersweet moments in motherhood and business. (Check out Part 1 of our conversation, too!)

The buzzword in today’s episode: HONESTY. As Amber points out, it takes so much courage to be honest about what you desire and what you want to create for your life.

In this episode you’ll hear about:

  • The ups, downs and bittersweet moments Amber had in the process of adopting her son Alex

  • How to stop associating our self-worth with the output of our work – and where we still have to go regarding this issue

  • The bigger existential questions and evolutions about motherhood in our culture – and how to stand up for ourselves in the ambition culture

  • The reasons that martyrdom exists in motherhood and in work – and how we can do things differently for ourselves and our kids

  • Why “straight-line strategizing” doesn’t work for moms (it’s a curvy-lined world for us!), and why it’s so hard (we never saw it exceptionally modeled!)

  • How there is no “correct” ratio of work and time at home that will promise fulfillment; what’s important is to navigate what feels right NOW

Resources & Links

Follow Amber on Instagram and check out her website and her podcast for more of her wisdom. Make sure you also check out Part 1 of my conversation with Amber if you haven’t already!

Did this episode resonate with you? Share your takeaways with Lindsay directly at

Learn more about Lindsay’s coaching and consulting services at or follow along on Instagram at @lindsayroselle and @motherload.pod.


Mini Episode: Exploring Scarcity During the Holidays


Mini Episode: Can We Really "Do It All"?